Form layouts

Form layouts examples and variations.

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Vertical forms

Reworked 3.0.0

Plain fields

You can use plain input fields to create visually engaging and clean forms.

Form title

Upload CV No file selected
Reworked 3.0.0

Material fields

You can use material input fields instead of plain fields if you want a cleaner look.

Form title

Upload CV No file selected
Reworked 3.0.0

Plain contact

A simple and versatile contact form to reuse in your site designs.

Form title

Reworked 3.0.0

Material contact

A simple and versatile contact form featuring material inputs to reuse in your site designs.

Form title


Horizontal forms

Reworked 3.0.0

2 Columns

You can chose to diplay your forms in a horizontal layout. The example below shows a form with a two columns layout.

Form title

Reworked 3.0.0

3 Columns

You can chose to diplay your forms in a horizontal layout. The example below shows a form with a three columns layout.

Form title

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You can chose to diplay your forms in a horizontal layout. The example below shows a form with a three columns layout.


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