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Welcome to our App
Take the first steps before diving deeply into our application. Learn how to setup your account and to get started the right way.
3 articles in this section
Written by
Nicole Ferrier
and 1 other
Main dashboard
The dashboard is the central page of the application. It collects data for you and display it in a comprehensive way.
6 articles in this section
Written by
Alan Maynard
and 2 others
Team management
Our app let's you manage your team members smoothly. You can add users to your team in few clicks.
5 articles in this section
Written by
Helen Miller
and 1 other
Manage available job offers and assign candidates. learn more about the recruitment process for a smoother experience.
9 articles in this section
Written by
Nicole Ferrier
and 3 others
Every employee needs to get paid at the end of the month. Discover user friendly features and streamilne your tasks.
7 articles in this section
Written by
Kareem Jabbar
Get started quickly with timesheets and relevant processes. Discover integration capabilities with 3rd party time tracking software.
4 articles in this section
Written by
Helen Miller
and 1 other